This website will promote my activities at WithumSmith+Brown (WS+B), my books and my speaking programs.
My Blog Site: www.partners-network.com View it and sign up for future postings. The blogs address the many issues my clients are concerned along with my insights.
All accounting, valuation and succession planning services will be performed by me and my fine partners and associates at WS+B, one of the top CPA firms in America and a member of the HLB International Association, which is one of the top 12 Associations Globally. More information about WS+B can be obtained by viewing our web site at www.withum.com and calling me at 732 964-9329. My email address is emendlowitz@withum.com. I am available to meet with clients at offices located in New Brunswick, NJ, New York City, Philadelphia or at any NJ Withum office if more convenient for you.
My books will be listed on this site as well as updated information; but purchases can be made from the publisher or by searching my name at www.amazon.com and www.barnesandnoble.com. If you are an AICPA member purchases from them will be dicounted. I have no books to sell directly. Many of my articles can be found by entering EDWARD MENDLOWITZ in your search engines.
View the latest issue of the WithumSmith+Brown Partners' Network Newsletter at: http://www.withum.com/pdf/Partners_Network/PN_June_2012.pdf Also the WithumSmith+Brown website has some valuable resources. Go to www.withum.com. I am on the Panel of Experts for Bottom Line/Personal newsletter and you can view my articles there by clicking http://www.boardroom.com/experts/emendlowitz.html . You can also use that page to subscribe to their GREAT newsletter and/or their free e-letters. I have been writing articles for Bottom Line/Personal and their other newsletters since 1976 including every issue of their monthly tax newsletter (no longer being published) for twenty-seven years (324 articles without missing a deadline!).
The WS+B Partners' Network is a support group for smaller accounting practices. Information can be obtained at http://www.withum.com/serv_partnersnetwork.shtml
Presentation handouts are available as follows:
5 Numbers You Need to Run Your Busienss Better: http://www.withum.com/pdf/Partners_Network/Five_Numbers_12.pdf
57 Ways to Assist Clients in Estate Planning http://www.withum.com/pdf/Partners_Network/57WaystoAssistClientsinEstatePlanning.pdf
Summaries of 42 management and leadership books http://www.withum.com/pdf/Partners_Network/Growing_From_Others_Experiences_apr2012.pdf
Email me at emendlowitz@withum.com for current speaking schedule.
My speaking can be presented as a keynote, for corporate training, organizational seminars and for corporate management and CPA firm partenrs. Topics cover leadership and management techniques, practice and business development, and technical areas. Speeches range from an hour to two day seminars. Most programs can be tailor made for the audience. I have presented over 200 programs on many subjects with many repeats. Almost all of my speeches have extensive informational handouts - many of which have been published as articles and some of which have been expanded and published as books including three books (plus a second edition) by the American Institute of CPAs.
Jorurnal of Accountancy 125th Anniversary issue Carousel of History. Accounting during the last 125 years http://www.journalofaccountancy.com/Issues/2012/Jun/20114850
The Practicing CPA article Issue Tax Season is Over. How Did You Do? http://bit.ly/PDJti8
Journal of Accountancy article Pricing, Billing and Collecting Fees
Article in Journal of Accountancy titled Mining Tax Clients for New Business Opportunities
Article on Maximizing Tax Season Efficiency in the January 2011 Journal of Accountancy. Link: http://www.journalofaccountancy.com/Issues/2011/Jan/20103384.htm
Article in Journal of Accountancy Uncover Strategic Value in a business at http://www.journalofaccountancy.com/Issues/2009/Nov/20092092
April Fool's Day Blog on NJSCPA web site: Income Tax Unconstitutional
Withum Flash Mob video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1osnKQ9lHI
Handbook of Budgeting by William R. Lalli, CPA, Published by Wiley. I edited 6 chapters in this newly published book including chapters by Business Valuation and Break Even Analysis. Book can be purchased at http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470920459.html
Using checklists: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAMOA6Ux2lc&feature=relmfu
Thank you for viewing this website. I welcome your emails and calls.
Ed Mendlowitz
P.S. One more point: Buy and read my son Andy's book: "Ireland's Professional Amateurs" at http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=andy+mendlowitz&x=8&y=23
Edward Mendlowitz is a certified public accountant and a partner with WithumSmith+Brown located in New Brunswick, NJ. He is the author of eighteen professional books, and the editor of four others. Mr. Mendlowitz has written hundreds of business and financial articles and has been quoted in almost every major newspaper in the United States, and is on the panel of experts for Bottom Line/Personal newsletter. He has taught in the MBA program at Fairleigh Dickinson University, and is admitted to practice before the United States Tax Court. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants has accredited him in business valuation, certified him in financial forensics and as a personal financial specialist, and presented him with the Lawler Award for the best article in the 2001 Journal of Accountancy.
Mr. Mendlowitz is designated as a personal finance specialist by the AICPA and advises clients on how to plan for their future financial security and well being. He also addresses large groups on the basics and tools of financial planning empowerment.
Mr. Mendlowitz can be reached at WithumSmith+Brown, One Spring Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, Tel: 732.964-9329, e-mail: emendlowitz@withum.com.